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e-Commerce Solutions that Increase Profitability and Market Share

To win in the hypercompetitive e-commerce space, you need to be able to turn first-time shoppers into loyal customers.

Newkirk’s e-commerce solutions can hone your competitive edge by optimizing your supply chain. Our solutions can streamline your shipping, enhance the visibility of your inventory and allow you to track your fulfillment status in real time.

Retailers who partner with Newkirk can launch a product months ahead of the competition, gaining the first-mover advantage critical to winning a marketplace. We have a proven track record of shortening lead times, improving on-time delivery and reducing year-over-year costs.

Our infrastructure, expertise and analytical tools can get you distributing globally, scaling for peak seasons and preparing for exponential growth — all while lowering your cost per transaction.

And most importantly, we allow you to deliver what customers want: speedy fulfillment and hassle-free returns.

Leverage our resources to achieve a supply chain that profitably meets demand.

You have the products customers want today. We’ll help you provide the service that brings them back tomorrow. Contact one of our logistics experts to get started.

Newkirk Logistics: A Natural Partner

At Newkirk, we’ve made our company more sustainable and helped numerous clients do the same. And along the way, we’ve learned that the benefits of doing so are not just reserved for the future. Contact us to discuss how sustainable logistics can improve your business today..

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